Sunday, August 29, 2010

Back to school.. but first some amazing concerts!

Friday was the last day of malmöfestivalen and today is my last free day before school starts.. I'm really looking to studying japanese but I hate going back to school >.<;
 I really don't want to spend my last free day writing about school, so I'll cheer myself up remebering the awesome artists we saw^^ There's always too many great artists playing at the same time on the last day of the festival. It sucks missing a couple bands I really would've liked to see but once the concerts I chose start I always feel I made the right choice.

"Inte vackrast i välden/Not the most beatiful in the world" by singer-songwriter/comedian/spoken word artist Emil Jensen. I never listened to his music that much before but now when I learnt to listen to the lyrics I'm really starting to like his songs. The talk between the songs was still my main reason for staying at the concert. If you understand swedish you have to listen to this 

Britta Persson with band. We didn't plan to watch them, just
heardthem on our way to buy some food and liked their sound.
Note the bas amp the photographer's pointing to.
I can't get over how awesome the ampifier is.. If I ever get serious
playing guitar or bas I'll definitely get an amp like that.

I'm pretty sure the singer's Tomas Andersson Wij. I listened to
one song on my way to see Moto boy. Didn't really like it but I
like the creepy picture in the background.

I never heard Moto boy before seeing him live and was really amazed how great his voice actually is. The only other singer with such a voice I can of is Gackt, whose music I'm completely addicted to right now. 

A sligtly more ordinary song, still awesome singing!

The last band for this years festival was Teddybears with a fantastic live show. None of my photos make it justice but I just have to post some anyway^^
Displaying lyrics on the scene is a great way to have more
fans singing along.
Old time Pong.
Obey the bear!
Sparkly head/guitar solo show off time.
Gonna beat you up with my microphone..
Good night and sweet dreams, everyone!


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